Sunday, September 1, 2013



Transport And Application Layer Presentation Transcript:
1.Transport Layer & Application Layer

We have already discussed the delivery of data in the following ways:
Node to node delivery: At data-link level, deliver of frames take place between two nodes connected by a point to point link or a LAN by using datalink layers address (MAC address).
Host to host delivery: At the network level, delivery of datagrams can take place between two hosts by using IP address.

3.Process to Process Delivery
The transport level protocol will require an additional address, known as port number to select a particular process among multiple processes running on the destination host.
Process to process delivery: At the transport level, communication can take place between processes or application programs by using port addresses.

4.Basic Communication Mechanism

5.Transport Layer

6.UDP: User Datagram Protocol

7.UDP Data Packet

8.Characteristics of the UDP
UDP provides an unreliable connectionless delivery service using IP to transport messages between two processesUDP messages can be lost, duplicated, delayed and can be delivered out of order
UDP is a thin protocol, which does not add significantly to the functionality of IP
It cannot provide reliable stream transport service

9.TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
It provides :
Connection oriented
Full duplex
Streamed deliver service using IP to transport messages between two processes
Reliability is ensured by :
Connection oriented service
Flow control using sliding window protocol
Error detection using checksum
Error control using go-back –n ARQ technique
Congestion avoidance

10.TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

11.TCP Data Packet

12.Protocol for Connection Termination

13.Connection termination

14.Ports used by TCP

15.Electronic Mail
Most widely available application services
TCP/IP protocol that supports electronic mail on the internet is called SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
A software package known as user agent, used to compose, read, reply or forward emails and handle mailboxes
The email address consists of two parts divided by @ character
First part is local name that identifies mailbox
Second part is a domain name

Source: Power Point Presentations

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