HYPNOSIS Presentation Transcript:
1.An introduction
In collaboration with
The National Guild of Hypnotists, USA
2.Look at this pendulum…..
Paracelsus, a scientist and physician of Swiss
origin, developed a theory about the
interrelationship between the stars and the
human disease processes
1734 – 1815 Australian physician MESMER, developed the
above theory further by assuming that there
was a universal fluid, which pervades the
earth and all human beings. He named this
fluid “Animal Magnetism”.
4.1756 – 1819 Abbe de Faria, Catholic priest, is considered to be the first Hypnotist because he used “GO TO SLEEP” phrase. He corrected Mesmer’s theory by stating that according to his research, there was no need for a universal fluid to induce trance; it was the power of suggestion that lead to a sleep like state 1795 – 1860 The induction of “LUCID” sleep was developed further by the English optometrist James Braid. During experiments Braid found that the trance like state was very genuine and very natural, especially when subjects fix their gaze on a shinning object. He named this state “Hypnosis” after the Greek word “HYPNO” which means sleep. 1820 Du Potent began a series of observation of Hypnosis, appointed by the French Academy of Medicine.
5.1788 – 1863 Dr. John Elliotson, on June 25, 1846 explained the use of clairvoyant subjects for diagnosing obscure cases.
1808 – 1859 Dr. James Esdaile performed hundreds of
painless surgical operation in Calcutta, India.
1795 – 1860 Dr. James Braid published a book titled
“Hypnotism for Medical Use”.
1841 Bernheim, professor of medicine at Nancy,
published a book De La Suggestion
(Suggestive Therapeutics).
Liebeault and Bernheim are known as the
Fathers of Modern Hypnosis.
6.1955 British Medical Association adopted the Use of
1958 American Medical Association adopted the use
of Hypnosis.
1961 American Psychiatric Association adopted the
use of Hypnosis.
1963 First course on Hypnosis conducted in
Philadelphia, by medical doctors, for medical
doctors, approved by the American Medical
7.Fifty years ago hypnotists were entertainers who persuaded some
one to quack like a duck in a night club. One hundred years ago
hypnotists were called charlatans, and during the Middle Ages, a
hypnotist was considered a witch.
Today’s hypnotist is likely to be a physician, a psychologist,
a university researcher, or a nurse, and to be employed in
the emergency room of Jefferson Hospital in Louisiana, at
the figure skating pavilion in the Olympics, or at the local
weight control center.
Today hypnosis is some thing every one looks forward to!!
While it’s a serious therapeutic technique, hypnosis is also a
pleasant and calming experience, and you’ll be delighted when you
realize that it can help you transform yourself.
Conscious thinking Conscious mind
Unconscious thinking Subconscious mind
The part that deals with the decision making process, LOGIC is
10% of our brain power. This is the seat of will power and is
called the conscious mind
Below the level of awareness lies 90% of our brain power that
is what we call the sub conscious mind
9.Hypnosis temporarily suspends the critical faculty,
(Conscious thinking) so that the suggestions are accepted at the inner conscious level
The levels of consciousness range from a state of alertness to a sleep state. There are no rigid boundaries setting off one level from another. Instead, the levels blend into each other and can be generally defined as shown in the following chart
11.Psychotherapy that uses hypnosis
as part of the therapeutic process
is called
We all experience hypnotic states many times
Children engrossed in watching cartoons
Highway driving
Watching a favorite movie
Day dreaming & Imagination
Prayers, meditation & worship
13.It happens to us all, young and old, in every day life and on special occasions.
It is a state of being fully absorbed and attentive to such a degree that occurrences in the outside world becomes less important
14.Milton H. Erickson was a physician who championed the use of hypnosis in the United States. He formed scholarly hypnosis societies, and was an astounding presence in a purple cape, curing patient after patient with his unique hypnotic approach. Today, Ericksonian hypnosis
is taught throughout the world.
Hypnosis can help you reach your goals:
In your personal life. Perhaps you want to stop smoking, or may be you need motivation to start exercising?
In your work life. Thinking about making a dynamic sales presentation, or do you need help so you wont arrive late at meetings?
In your family life. Perhaps you want to have more patience for your cousin, or do you want to remember to take out the trash every night?
In your recreational life. Do you want to improve your golf game or concentrate better at bridge?
Source: Power Point Presentations
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