Wednesday, September 4, 2013



Transaction Processing System Presentation Transcript: 
1.Transaction Processing and Management Reporting System

2.MIS Framework 

3.Transaction Processing System
A transaction is any event that takes place either within the business organization or between that organization and the external environment. 
This information is not directly involved in the decision-making process but is needed by management. 
It must be compiled and classified, perhaps calculations must be made, and finally it must be summarized in a form in which it will be maximally useful to management. 
A transaction is an elementary activity conducted during business operations.
Such regular transactions include regular ordering of raw materials, customer billing and bank deposits etc.

4.A transaction is any event that takes place either within the business organization or between that organization and the external environment. 
This information is not directly involved in the decision-making process but is needed by management. 
It must be compiled and classified, perhaps calculations must be made, and finally it must be summarized in a form in which it will be maximally useful to management. 
A transaction is an elementary activity conducted during business operations.
Such regular transactions include regular ordering of raw materials, customer billing and bank deposits etc.

5.The Management Reporting system is a set of reports that provide the information necessary to make business decisions 
The Management Reports inform you about the sales and margin, about merchandising issues, about inventory, and about deals.
Management reporting systems provide routine, detailed, and voluminous information reports specific to each manager’s areas of responsibility
 Generally, such reports focus on past and present activities, rather than projecting future performance

6.Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organizational decision-making activities. 
A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from 
raw data
personal knowledge
business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.
A knowledge-based system (KBS) is a system that uses artificial intelligence techniques in problem-solving processes to support human decision-making, learning, and action. 

7.Office Information System
An  automated  office  information  system  (OIS)  attempts  to  perform  the  functions  of the  ordinary office  by  means of a  computer system. 
Automation  in  the  office particularly aids  the office  worker in  document  preparation,  information management  and decision  making.

8.Transaction Processing Functions
Process of keeping full, accurate, up-to-date business records
Proper bookkeeping can help businesses effectively manage cash flow, with knowledge of profits and losses, and develop plans for the future based on financial trends
With no exceptions, every monetary amount that is paid or received must be recorded.
Production of documents such as pay checks, invoices, periodic statements and payment reminders
Necessary for the effective operation of the company
9.Control reporting
Control report are produced as the by product of transaction processing operation
Serve operation control purposes
Normally used to check the accuracy of cash flow
Example: payroll edit report
Error report is used to show invalid transactions that were incomplete and must be reprocessed
Exception report is used to flag the unusual transactions

10.Role of IT in Transaction Processing
Problems with manual systems
Error level
Temporary and permanent loss of data
Labor intensity
Poor level of services
Poor response  
MIS systems
Converting manual systems in automatic systems
Direct translation of manual systems  (direct coding)
Re_thought before converting   

11.Transaction Processing Cycle
Data entry
Transaction processing
File and database processing
Document and report generation
Inquiry processing

12.Data Entry
Collecting, recording, coding and editing transaction data
Source documents are batched and transferred to data entry specialists
After manual audit, data from acceptable source document are converted to machine readable form (key to tape/ key to disk systems)
SDA (source data automation)? capturing data in digital form
enables the computer system from one company to “talk” to the computer system of another company and digitally exchange data.
Because this digital exchange of data is facilitated using computers, most, if not all of the associated business processes can be automated so they occur with little or no manual data entry. 
This enables companies to electronically exchange business documents like purchase orders and invoices.
Increase in productivity without increasing staff

13. Transaction Processing and File/ database Updating 
Transaction processing is done after collection of data in two ways
Real time processing
In a real time processing, there is a continual input, process and output of data. Data has to be processed in a small stipulated time period (real time), otherwise it will create problems for the system.  
For example: assembly line robots and radar system. 
Batch processing
In a batch processing group of transactions collected over a period of time is collected, entered, processed and then the batch results are produced. 
Batch processing requires separate programs for input, process and output. It is an efficient way of processing high volume of data. 
For example: Payroll system, Examination system and billing system.

14.Documents and Report Generation
Documents produced by TPS are called transaction documents
Information documents
Turn around doc
Action doc
Accounting statements
Control listing
Edit reports

15.Information documents
Verify, confirm or prove that transactions have occurred or were attempted
Sales receipt
Order confirmation
Customer invoices
Customer statements
Turn around doc
Contains perforated tear off portion that should be returned to the sender along with the customer payments
Usually read by magnetic/ optical scanners
Action documents
Initiate actions or transactions on part of recipients
Example: paycheck, purchase order

Source: Power Point Presentations

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