Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Steve Jobs Principles Presentation Transcript:

2.The Steve Jobs Way
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me  -  Steve Job” 
Steve Jobs is the classic American entrepreneur — starting his company in the spare bedroom of his parents’ house  
His pioneering the development of the first personal computer for everyday use. Jobs was fired from the company  
He had started but he returned in 1997 . It was 12 years later, and Apple was close to bankruptcy .  
Jobs not only saved the company but in the next 10 years reinvented not just one industry  
but four — computing, music, telecommunications and entertainment (let’s not forget he’s the CEO of a little company called Pixar). 
3.Principle One: Do what you love 
In 2005, Steve Jobs told Stanford University’s graduating class that the secret to success is having “the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Inside, he suggested, you “already know what you truly want to become.” 
Steve Jobs once told a group of employees, “People with passion can change the world for the better.”  Jobs has followed his heart his entire life and that passion, he says, has made all the difference.  It’s very difficult to come up with new, creative, and novel ideas unless you are passionate about moving society forward. 

4.Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe 
Think differently about your vision.  
Jobs attracted like-minded people who shared his vision and who helped turn his ideas into world-changing innovations. Passion fueled Apple’s rocket and Jobs’ vision created the destination. 
Steve Jobs attracts evangelists who share his vision and who help turn his ideas into world-changing innovations.  
 He has never underestimated the power of vision to move a brand forward. 

5.Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe(Continue) 
In 1979, Jobs took a tour of the Xerox research facility in Palo Alto, California. There he saw a new technology that let users interact with the computer via colorful graphical icons on the screen instead of entering complex line commands. It was called a “graphical user interface.” In that moment, Jobs knew that this technology would allow him to fulfill his vision of putting a computer in the hands of everyday people. He went back to Apple and refocused his team on building the computer that would eventually become the Macintosh and forever change the way we talked to computers. Jobs later said that “Xerox could have “dominated” the computer industry but instead its “vision” was limited to building another copier”. 

6.Principle Three: Kick start your brain 
People are creatures of habit and habits are formed to make life easier. To kick start your brain, we need to experience different things and look for solutions in different areas. If you are familiar with the power supplies on Apple laptops, they have a magnet that connects the cord from the computer to the wall. Thus if you trip over the cord then it comes off as opposed to having your laptop pulled off the table. This seems obvious now that Apple is delivering it but that is an innovative idea. 
Look outside your box for better ideas. Look outside your industry. 
Think differently about how you think. 
Innovation does not exist without creativity, and for Steve Jobs, creativity was the act of connecting things. Jobs believed that a broad set of experiences broadened the understanding of the human experience. 

7.Principle Three: Kick start your brain (Continue) 
Jobs creates new ideas precisely because he has spent a lifetime exploring new and unrelated things — seeking out diverse experiences. Jobs hired people from outside the computing profession. He studied the art of calligraphy in college (a study that found its way into the first Macintosh), meditated in an Indian ashram, studied the fine details of a Mercedes-Benz or European-made washer-dryers for product ideas, and evaluated The Four Seasons hotel chain as he developed the customer service model for the Apple Stores. Look outside your industry for inspiration. Bombard the brain with new experiences. Remove the shackles of past experiences. 

8.Principle Four: Sell dreams, not products 
Think differently about your customers.  
To Jobs, people who bought Apple products were never “consumers.” They were people with dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Jobs built products to help them fulfill their dreams.
Apple customers are glad Jobs doesn’t do focus groups. If he had, they may never have enjoyed iPods, iTunes, the iPhone, the iPad, or Apple Stores. 
Jobs think differently to buy an Apple computer. He think the people who do buy them do think differently. They are the creative spirits in this world. 
How do you see your customers? Help them unleash their inner genius, and you’ll win over their hearts and minds. Nobody cares about your company or product. They care about themselves, their dreams, and their goals. Help them achieve their aspirations, and you’ll win them over the Steve Jobs way 

9.Principle Five: Say no to 1,000 things 
Steve Jobs once said the secret to innovation is “saying no to 1,000 things.” In other words, Jobs is as proud of what apple does not do as he is about what Apple does choose to pursue.  
Think differently about design.  
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, according to Jobs. From the designs of the iPod to the iPhone, from the packaging of the Apple’s products to the functionality of the Apple Web site, innovation means eliminating the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. 

10.Principle Five: Say no to 1,000 things(Continue) 
This advice applies to your career and personal life as well. The lesson — don’t spread yourself too thin. Find the career that intersects your passion, skill, and the ability to make money doing it. Once you find it, focus on it, work at it, and dedicate yourself to excellence in that area. Say “no” to anything else that will distract you from pursuing that career. If you are looking for work or frustrated with your current job, there will be plenty of friends, families, and colleagues who offer unsolicited advice on what’s best for you. Filter out the ideas that might derail you from the career that best matches your strengths and passion. When you find it, pursue it with a single-minded sense of purpose. 

11.Principle Six: Create insanely great experiences 
Think differently about your brand experience. 
Jobs made Apple stores the gold standard in customer service. The Apple store has become the world’s best retailer by introducing simple innovations any business can adopt to make deep, lasting emotional connections with their customers. 
There are no cashiers in an Apple store. There are experts, consultants, even geniuses, but no cashiers. According to Jobs, “People don’t want to just buy personal computers anymore. They want to know what they can do with them, and we’re going to show people exactly that.”  
Look outside your company for ideas on how to stand out from your competitors. Above all, have fun. Passion is contagious. If your employees are not having fun, your customers will not be, either. 

12.Principle Seven: Master the message 
Think differently about your story. 
Steve Jobs is the world’s greatest corporate storyteller, turning product launches into an art form.  You can have the most innovative idea in the world, but if you can’t get people excited about it, it doesn’t matter. 
Make innovation a part of your brands’ DNA by thinking differently about your business challenges. 

Source: Power Point Presentations

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