Thursday, August 29, 2013


Presentation On HTML


HTML Presentation Transcript:
1.What is HTML?
HTML is the "mother tongue" of your browser.

To make a long story short, HTML was invented in 1990 by a scientist called Tim Berners-Lee. The purpose was to make it easier for scientists at different universities to gain access to each other's research documents. The project became a bigger success than Tim Berners-Lee had ever imagined. By inventing HTML he laid the foundation for the web as we know it today.

HTML is a language, which makes it possible to present information (e.g. scientific research) on the Internet. What you see when you view a page on the Internet is your browser's interpretation of HTML. To see the HTML code of a page on the Internet, simply click "View" in the top menu of your browser and choose "Source".

2.HTML defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. The correct structure for an HTML document starts with (enter here what document is about) and ends with . All the information you'd like to include in your Web page fits in between the and tags.

There are hundreds of other tags used to format and layout the information in a Web page. Tags are also used to specify hypertext links. These allow Web developers to direct users to other Web pages with only a click of the mouse on either an image or word(s)

3.What does H-T-M-L stand for?
HTML is an abbreviation of "Hypertext Mark-up Language" - which is already more than you need to know at this stage. However, for the sake of good order, let us explain in greater detail.

Hyper is the opposite of linear. In the good old days - when a mouse was something the cat chased - computer programs ran linearly: when the program had executed one action it went to the next line and after that, the next line and so on. But HTML is different - you can go wherever you want and whenever you want. For example, it is not necessary to visit before you visit

Text is self-explanatory.

4.Mark-up is what you do with the text. You are marking up the text the same way you do in a text editing program with headings, bullets and bold text and so on.

Language is what HTML is. It uses many English words.

5.Elements and tags 
You are now ready to learn the essence of HTML: elements
Elements give structure to a HTML document and tells the browser how you want your website to be presented. Generally elements consists of a start tag, some content, and an end tag.

Tags are labels you use to mark up the beginning and end of an element.
All tags have the same format: they begin with a less-than sign "<" and end with a greater-than sign ">".
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of tags - opening tags: and closing tags: . The only difference between an opening tag and a closing tag is the forward slash "/". You label content by putting it between an opening tag and a closing tag.
HTML is all about elements. To learn HTML is to learn and use different tags.

7.Example 1: 
Emphasised text.
Will look like this in the browser:
Emphasised text.
This text is bigger.
This text is bigger.

8.Example 2: 

This is heading 1


This is heading 3

This is heading 4

This is heading 5

This is heading 6

This is heading 1
This is heading 2
This is heading 3
This is heading 4
This is heading 5
This is heading 6

9.So, I always need an opening tag and a closing tag?

As they say, there's an exception to every rule and in HTML the exception is that there are a few elements which both open and close in the same tag. 
These so-called empty elements are not connected to a specific passage in the text but rather are isolated labels, for example, a line break which looks like this:
10.Should tags be typed in uppercase or lowercase?
Most browsers might not care if you type your tags in upper, lower or mixed cases. , or will normally give the same result. However, the correct way is to type tags in lowercase. So get into the habit of writing your tags in lowercase.

Source: Power Point Presentations

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