Friday, August 30, 2013


Presentation On Bugzilla


Bugzilla Presentation Transcript:

2.What is a Bug?
A bug / software bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.

Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code.

A program that contains a large number of bugs, and/or bugs that seriously interfere with its functionality, is said to be buggy.

3.How bugs get into software?
Bugs are a consequence of the nature of human factors in the programming task.

They arise from oversights or mutual misunderstandings made by a software team during specification, design, coding, data entry and documentation.

For example, one might accidentally type a "<" where a ">" was intended, perhaps resulting in the words being sorted into reverse alphabetical order.

4.How to find bugs?
Finding and fixing bugs, or "debugging", has always been a major part of programming.

And usually, the most difficult part of debugging is finding the bug in the source code.

Code can be added so that messages or values can be written to a console (for example with printf in the C programming language) or to a window or log file to trace program execution or show values.


6.What is Bugzilla?
Bugzilla is a Web-based general-purpose bugtracker and testing tool.

Originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License.

It is free and open-source, and has many features its expensive counterparts lack. 

Used, among others, by Mozilla Foundation, Wikimedia Foundation, WebKit, NASA, Yahoo!, GNOME, KDE, Red Hat and Novell.

7.Features of Bugzilla
Advanced Search Capabilities
New users can use a simple Google-like search for bugs while more advanced users can filter searched for very specific queries.

Email Notifications
Users can choose to be notified by email about any changes made to any bugs in Bugzilla.

File/Modify Bugs By Email
Users can send Bugzilla an email that will create a new bug, or will modify an existing bug.

Time Tracking
Users can display the time they think they will need to fix a bug, time spent on a bug, and deadline to fix the bug.

8.Strong Security
Bugzilla runs under Perl's "taint" mode to prevent SQL Injection, and has a very careful system in place to prevent Cross-Site Scripting.

Everything in Bugzilla is done using templates, from emails to the user interface. These templates are written in HTML, CSS, and Java Script so they are easy to edit.

Depending on the browser and language a user is connecting to Bugzilla from, they will be served in their language. This is great for global open source projects.

9.How to use Bugzilla?
Create a Bugzilla account
If you want to use Bugzilla, first you need to create an account. 
Click the "Open a new Bugzilla account" link, enter your email address and, optionally, your name in the spaces provided, then click "Create Account" .
Within moments, you should receive an email to the address you provided above, which contains your login name (generally the same as the email address), and a password you can use to access your account. This password is randomly generated, and can be changed to something more memorable.
Click the "Log In" link in the yellow area at the bottom of the page in your browser, enter your email address and password into the spaces provided, and click "Login". 
You are now logged in. Bugzilla uses cookies for authentication so, unless your IP address changes, you should not have to log in again.

10.Searching for Bugs
The Bugzilla Search page is is the interface where you can find any bug report, comment, or patch currently in the Bugzilla system. You can play with it here: .
The Search page has controls for selecting different possible values for all of the fields in a bug, as described above. Once you've defined a search, you can either run it, or save it as a Remembered Query, which can optionally appear in the footer of your pages.
Highly advanced querying is done using Boolean Charts, which have their own context-sensitive help.

Source: Power Point Presentations

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