Thursday, August 29, 2013


Presentation On Network Protocols

Network Protocols Presentation Transcript:
1.Ch- 7 Network Protocols

2.Purpose of a network is to exchange information among computer, and protocols are the rules by which computers communicate.
Protocol suite – collection of protocols – work together to form a single system to handle networking devices.
Protocol suites have many protocols with different capabilities. So fulfills the users requirement.
Suite have more than one protocol for the handling of files, one for speed, other has a higher reliability rate
Protocols describe – network data encapsulated in packets on the source end, sent via the network to a destination, and reconstructed at the destination into the appropriate file, instruction and request

3.Breaking network data into small packet-sized chunks provide smoother throughput b/c small packets don’t tie up the transmission medium as larger unit of data might.
Packets simplify the error detection and correction.
Each file is checked – separately for errors – if error is discovered only that packet must be retransmitted.
Network packets contain the following.
Header : Header signifies the start of the packet – contains a bundle of parameters – source & destination address and time / synchronization information.
Data : Portion of the packet contains the original data Being used.

4.TCP/IP and the OSI Model

5.Trailer : Trailer marks the end of the packet and contains error checking information (CRC).
packet – reaches the transmission medium, NIC of other computers on the network examine the packet – checking the packet’s destination address – if matches the NIC interrupts the processor and protocol layers of the destination host process the incoming packet.

6.Network adapter card checks the destination address

7.TCP / IP – Internet Protocols
The TCP/IP protocol suite (Internet protocol suite) originally developed by – United States Department of Defense (DOD).
To provide robust service on large inter networks – incorporate a variety of computer types.
Also referred as a DOD model & industry standard protocols.32
TCP/IP was designed to be hardware – independent , so able to work with established standards like ethernet, token ring and ARC net.

8.DOD  Model 
The DOD model’s layers function as follows :
Network Access Layer 
The data link / physical layer is responsible for placing TCP/IP packets on the network medium – receiving TCP/IP packets of the network medium 
It can be used to connect different network types – includes Ethernet & Token Ring & WAN technologies X.25 & Frame relay -- b/c designed to be independent of network access method, frame format and medium.
TCP /IP – ability to be adapted new technology as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).

9.Internet Layer 
Internet layer handles – transfer of data across multiple networks through the use of  gateways & routers.
Provides a single service – best effort connection less packet transfer.
IP packets are exchanged b/w routers without connection setup – packets routed independently – they may traverse different paths – so called data grams.
Connection less approach makes the system robust – if failure occur in the network – packets are routed around the point of failure – hence no need to set connections.
Discard packets by gateways -- Responsibility for recovery from these losses is passed to transport layer

10.Core protocols of Internet protocols
IP , ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol).

Host to Host Transport Layer

It is designed to allow peer entities on the source and destination hosts to carry on conversation. devices on the TCP/IP  networks are referred as hosts.
TCP / UDP will work on this layer. TCP is a reliable connection oriented protocol. UDP is an unreliable, connection less protocol

Source: Power Point Presentations

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